Did you know? is it much more likely for a person to be in a car accident than a plane crash? Plane accidents just feel more possible due to the prominence of such events. In fact, that industry has evolved to have extremely stringent operating criteria, ensuring any sort of accident is a rare occurrence. On the road, safety laws are taken more as a suggestion than a rule. It’s up to each individual driver to be responsible.
If you were affected by a car accident, it’s essential to seek legal advice for effective compensation. Why? Well, based on why an accident occurred, a competent attorney can direct resources towards seeking compensation accordingly. Additionally, this also serves as essential evidence in court – highlighting lapses in erring parties. Here’s some of the common reasons why such accidents occur…
Distracted Driving
Distracted driving is one of the leading causes of car accidents. This includes any activity that diverts attention from driving, such as using a phone, eating, talking to passengers, or adjusting the radio. Car accident attorneys investigate distracted driving by examining phone records, reviewing traffic camera footage, and interviewing witnesses. They look for signs that the driver was not paying full attention to the road.
Failing to Yield
Failing to yield the right of way is another common cause of car accidents. This can occur at intersections, crosswalks, and when merging lanes. Attorneys investigate these incidents by analyzing traffic signals, signs, and road markings, as well as gathering eyewitness testimonies. They may also reconstruct the accident scene to determine whether the at-fault driver failed to yield.
Driving on the Sidewalk
Although less common, driving on the sidewalk can lead to severe accidents, often involving pedestrians. Attorneys investigate these cases by examining skid marks, vehicle damage, and surveillance footage. They also interview witnesses and review police reports to understand the circumstances leading to the accident. Establishing that a driver was on the sidewalk without a valid reason can demonstrate gross negligence, leading to higher compensation for the victims.
Driving While Chemically Impaired
Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is a significant factor in many car accidents. Attorneys gather evidence such as breathalyzer results, blood tests, and police reports to prove impairment. They may also subpoena bar receipts or surveillance footage from establishments where the driver was before the accident. Demonstrating that a driver was chemically impaired at the time of the accident is crucial for holding them accountable.
Failing to Merge Properly
Improper merging can cause collisions, especially on highways and busy streets. This includes merging too quickly, without signalling, or into an occupied lane. Attorneys examine the accident scene, review traffic camera footage, and interview witnesses to determine if improper merging was a factor. They may also use accident reconstruction experts to illustrate how the merging error led to the collision.
A skilled attorney investigates the possibilities of such causes. When sufficient evidence becomes available pointing towards one cause, it can be used to strengthen your claim. As such, working with the right experts is essential!
An ideal lawyer would not only have the necessary knowledge and skills to take on this challenge, but also a string of successful cases. This allows them to leverage the legal investigation methods and uncover why an accident happened. No matter if the cause was common or uncommon, once evidence is identified, your claim cannot be challenged! Lawyers can thus represent your case to insurance adjusters, defendant’s legal representatives, and even a jury if required!
Overall, an expert lawyer will stop at nothing in getting you the compensation you deserve!